Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Autonomous Vehicle on sale date announced by Ford

Listen up.  This is HUGE.  Bad news for uber and lyft drivers, but imagine the possiblities.  With an aging population that is facing the loss of drivers licenses, this means mobility won't end when ones vision fails.  As promised in the last couple of Auto Show previews Ford is out to be the disrupter in the auto industry and create waves changing how things are done in the transportation industry.  I implore you to listen to the entire video as it really lays out the road map to get to level 4 autonomous vehicles.

Ford isn't doing it alone.  Ford isn't doing it all in Dearborn.  They're increasing the size of their Silicon Valley campus.  They are investing and partnering with other companies to do it.  Companies like Velidar makers of the Lidar systems that help in the guidance of the autonomous car.  Also they are working with a NEURO scientist to bring human like intelligence in how the cars see the world around them.  Amazing.

As a kid of the Jetsons era this is big.  Its not the self flying car of the cartoon, but it will be the self driving car.  Game changer.  Disruption in the Industry.

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